Top Attic Cleaning Tips

by Ponderosa & Sun Realty 08/25/2019

How long has it been since you've deep-cleaned your home attic? The attic is one of the most overlooked spaces in the home. It is important to shake out the dust ever so often before your attic becomes a source of germs and allergens in your home. Here are some tips to help you keep your attic clean and fresh all year round.

Remove everything

The easiest room to clean is an empty one. For attics not cleaned in a long time, it is best first to remove everything inside. Thorough cleaning allows all the nooks and crannies to be open and the cleaner to check for defects, leaks and other structural damages that may have occurred over time. Removing everything also helps to sort everything kept there to throw away whatever is no longer needed.

Vacuum, then sweep

If you find plenty of dust and waste materials in the attic, using a broom will cause dust to go into the air. Make use of a vacuum cleaner to suck up debris and dirt from the attic. High-efficiency bags or filter canisters work most effectively for these. Be sure to wear protective face masks when cleaning attics because of allergens and other particulates that could be in the dust.

Check for moisture and mold growth

Attic insulation is one of the most common sources of mold in the home. Inspecting an empty attic after cleaning will reveal if there is mold. If you find mold in your attic, call a professional attic cleaning company to come and take care of it. They will also ensure to identify the root cause of the mold and remove it. Failure to take care of mold growth in an attic leads to respiratory problems like asthma and allergies.

Donate anything no longer needed

Attics typically provide storage, and after a while, most of the things stored there are no longer useful. Sell whatever in your attic that is still in good condition, or donate it to a local charity. Cleaning up an attic is also an excellent way to get many items for a yard sale which could sometimes raise enough money to pay for the professional cleaning service for the attic and any repairs that you need to carry out.

Box and label before replacing things

After cleaning and repairing your attic, the last thing is to restock everything there. This time, box everything properly and label with a tag or a clear marker so that things are easy to find. Maintaining some organization in the attic helps to make subsequent cleaning easier.

For a professional attic cleaning and repair, call a local company for quotes.

About the Author

Ponderosa & Sun Realty

 Tony Sorace has been working in Real Estate Sales in Mendocino County since 1978. He will listen and advise based on his years of experience and education.